I need help choosing a research topic.


When choosing a research topic, it may seem easier to select a very general topic for your research assignment.  In actuality, choosing a broad subject will result in an overwhelming amount of unfocused information.  Narrow down your topic by deciding which aspects you want to examine.  For example, consider the topic of “school violence.”  How will you refine this topic so that it is more manageable in scope?  Will you write about violence in primary schools, high schools, or at the college level?  Will you look at predictors of school violence?  Will you consider solutions to the problem of school violence?  Is there a certain geographic location or population you want to explore?  Are you investigating the last few years, or are you interested in obtaining a wider view of history?  One of the most challenging aspects of research is deciding which facets of a topic to investigate.  Stop by the library's Reference Desk for further advice from a librarian, make an individual research appointment, or call (716) 673-3222.

For further assistance in a specific field, take a look at Reed's Research Guides.

  • Last Updated Feb 25, 2020
  • Views 26
  • Answered By Kerrie Fergen Wilkes

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