I have an assignment for Prof. Kenton Brown's class regardng love prejudice and inductive logic



For this ENGLISH 100 assignment, students are asked to write two personal stories - one describing an experience with "love prejudice" (accepting the viewpoint of an entity that we "love" (family, friend, trusted information source) even though it may not be the best source for reliable information/opinion); the other an experience with "inductive logic" (using observations or perceived facts to form a hypothesis and then a theory/conclusion, rather than deductive logic, where one forms a hypothesis, observes facts, and then arrives at a conclusion).  These are similar concepts and can be confusing.
Students will also need to provide a definition of inductive logic (to be found in their lecture notes), as well as two periodical articles (popular or scholarly) - one of which must be found through a library database. The articles can be in print or electronic format.  The articles must address or use inductive logic or love prejudice, although not necessarily as related to the students' personal stories.
  • Last Updated Mar 10, 2020
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Cindy Yochym

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